About the Conference
The Housing First Europe Hub Conference is an essential gathering for experts, practitioners, and stakeholders dedicated to advancing the Housing First model across Europe. This event explored strategies for promoting Housing First principles, fostering collaboration, and implementing systems change in an evolving landscape.
Attendees have the opportunity to engage in a rich programme featuring plenary sessions and interactive workshops. Topics range from facilitating engagement between Housing First and other sectors, addressing the needs of specific populations, to sharing innovative practices and success stories.
Schedule Overview
Monday, 18th November
Pre-Conference Workshop on Housing First for Youth
Experts from Ireland, Scotland, and Canada led this workshop, reflecting on the growing evidence base for Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) as both a programme and a strategic approach. Sessions included:
- Building relationships for service and housing with Focus Ireland, Clúid Housing, and Rock Trust.
- Expanding the evidence base for HF4Y in Europe and Canada with findings from the first international research initiatives.
- Advocating for the prevention of youth homelessness across sector
HF4Y Workshop – Full programme
Project Visits
In collaboration with Focus Ireland and other local partners, participants can join small group visits to homelessness and Housing First services across Dublin.
Project visits – Full programme
Community of Practice Meeting
National networks and working groups will convene for collaborative discussions.
Tuesday, 19th November
Plenary sessions
- Welcome and introductions – Samara Jones, Housing First Europe Hub Coordinator PPT Presentation
- Housing First in the Real World – Juha Kaakinen, University of Tampere, Finland
- Housing First in Ireland – Rob Lowth, Housing First National Office PPT Presentation
Mike Allen, Focus Ireland PPT Presentation
- Celebrating the first decade of Housing First in Italy and Spain – Giuseppe Dardes, fio.PSD; Arturo Coego, Provivienda; Alejandra Puente, HOGAR SI; Moderator: Eoin O’Sullivan, Trinity College, Dublin
PPT Presentation
PPT Presentation - Fidelity to the model and evaluation framework – Alex Smith, Homeless Link; Moderator: Francesca Albanese, Crisis, UK
PPT Presentation
- Accessing EU funds for Housing First: Opportunities and challenges – Freek Spinnewijn, FEANTSA; Moderator: Vanesa Cenjor del Rey – HOGAR SI
PPT Presentation
- Finding affordable housing for Housing First in a housing crisis – Martine Chanal, Grand Lyon; Mike Allen, Focus Ireland; Mirthe Biemans, Housing First Netherlands; Geert De Bolle, Housing First Belgium Lab; Moderator: Arturo Coego, Provivienda
PPT Presentation - Approaches to working with and in health services in Housing First – Marlene Panzenböck, neunerhaus Wien; Harry Horgan, HSE Mid West Housing First Programme Moderator: Raphaël Bouloudnine, DIHAL
PPT Presentation
PPT Presentation - Financing the shift: Denmark and Finland’s journey from shelters to homes – Karin Egholm and Karen Margrethe Plougmann Korsholm, Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing; Jarmo Linden, Housing Finance and Development Centre (ARA); Moderator: Francesca Albanese, Crisis UK
PPT Presentation - Housing First and the prison system – Nicholas Pleace, FEANTSA/University of York; Kerry Quinn, Probation Service; Moderator: Eoin O’Sullivan, Trinity College, Dublin
PPT Presentation
PPT Presentation - Housing First and Women – Lena Wild – Housing First for Women Berlin; Tina Threadgold, MASH Greater Manchester; Moderator: Saija Turunen – Y-Foundation
- Housing First for Youth: Findings and Insights from Canada and Europe – Samara Jones, Housing First Europe Hub; Stephen Gaetz, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness; Karen McAlister, Simon Community Northern Ireland; Moderator: Lisa O’Brien, Focus Ireland
PPT Presentation
PPT Presentation - Housing First in rural and remote areas – Caroline Simon, Housing First Belgium Lab; Raphael Bouloudnine, DIHAL
PPT Presentation
Wednesday, 20th November
Plenary sessions
- Citi Foundation – Rachael Barber
PPT Presentation - Navigating congregate and scattered housing choices – Kai Hauprich, Bundesverband Housing First Juha Kahila, Y-Foundation Sarah Goodwin, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
PPT Presentation
- Housing First and systems change – progress and challenges – Francesca Albanese (Crisis UK), Karin Egholm (Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing), Mike Allen ( Focus Ireland) Raphael Bouloudnine (DIHAL), Melanie Schmit (Housing First NL), Kate Polson (Rock Trust)
- Counting down to the 2030 target: Housing First’s role in ending homelessness in Europe – Freek Spinnewijn (FEANTSA), Anke Janssen (Housing First Netherland), Mary Hayes (Dublin Region Homeless Executive), Nicholas Pleace (FEANTSA/University of York), Moderator: Kate Polson (Rock Trust)
- New Horizons in Housing First – Sam Tsemberis (Pathways Housing Institute, USA), Vanesa Cenjor del Rey, (HOGAR SI)
- Experts by experience – roles and impact – Ravi Debisarun, Leger des Heils; John Coonan, Peter McVerry Trust; Chenyse Hanrahan, Focus Ireland. Moderator, Louise Bayliss, Focus Ireland Campaigns Manager
- Housing First in Northern Ireland – Deirdre Canavan, DePaul; Karen McAlister, Simon Community Northern Ireland. Moderator: Francesca Albanese, Crisis UK
PPT Presentation
PPT Presentation - Mental Health and Staff Wellbeing in Housing First Programmes – Gerard Spillane, Focus Ireland; Emine Ozkan, Housing First Austria. Moderator: Saija Turunen, Y-Foundation.
PPT Presentation