New Horizons – Tréimhse Nua in Housing First

DUBLIN, 19th & 20th November 2024
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The Housing First Europe Hub

The Housing First Europe Hub was established in 2016 by the Y-Foundation (Finland) and FEANTSA (the European Federation of National Organisations Working with Homeless People) along with more than 15 partners. Since then, the Hub has grown to include more than 45 organisations, cities, government ministries, housing providers and researchers from across Europe and beyond.

We work in partnership with our core and associate partners to promote Housing First as the first and central response to homelessness. The Hub’s mission is to end and prevent homelessness through a mindshift, leading to a systems’ change across Europe, based on Housing First through advocacy, training, practice, research, support and communication activities.

Find out more about the Hub

Housing First & System Change

Housing First is more than just an approach to help people experiencing homelessness, it is the key to unlocking broader systems’ change to prevent and end homelessness across Europe. Find out more about on the Knowledge & Capacity page and explore our latest Resources & Activities.

Find out more about Advocacy and Systems change 

Get involved!

Ending homelessness is totally achievable if we grasp this opportunity to do things differently. People experiencing homelessness deserve nothing less.

We particularly encourage you to read our latest publications on these topics above, which offer practical and pragmatic guides to help you navigate your Housing First and Systems Change journey, no matter where you are starting from.

To know how to join the Housing First Europe Hub as a partner or associate member

Contact the Hub’s coordinator

  • FEANTSA Forum 2024 – Vienna

    From June 17th to 18th, stakeholders combating homelessness throughout Europe convened in Vienna for the 2024 FEANTSA Forum. Hosted by FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations Working with…

    Check it out here


  • Housing First for Youth Training Guide 2023

    Housing First for Youth, adapted from the Housing First approach, is a rights-based intervention that provide safe and affordable housing, along with age-appropriate support, to address the needs of…

    Check it out here


  • Czech translation of the Hub’s Introduction to Housing First & Women in Mít domov’s magazine

    In the latest issue of the Social Housing Support Project‘s magazine Mít domov (Having a home) on women’s homelessness, the Housing First Europe Hub’s Introduction to Housing First and…

    Check it out here


Events and webinars