• Jana Hajkova

    Jana Hájková

    Heimstaden Czech s.r.o.

    Country: Czech Republic

    Languages: CzechEnglish

    I manage the S NÁMI DOMŮ project (WITH US HOME program), which has been operating since 2018 and meets all the conditions of Housing First for Youth. As part of the program, we provide housing for children leaving children's homes and foster families and help them integrate into society.

  • Housing First Köln (Cologne)

    Housing First Köln (Cologne) is an initiative of the non-profit organization “Vringstreff e.V.”. Vringstreff is a specialized counseling center and drop-in center for homeless people in Cologne, which has been offering counseling and other assistance to people affected by poverty and homelessness since 1996. In 2020, Vringstreff founded the first Housing First project in Cologne. […]

  • Miriam Sanabria

    Miriam Sanabria

    Hogar Sí

    Country: Spain

    Languages: Spanish

    I am a social educator and social worker. As a social intervention professional from 2011, I have worked in many social sectors and social areas, which has allowed me to develop different skills and intervention strategies, in addition to having different professional experiences. Currently, I work as a support worker on the public project “Building Home. Housing First” in Madrid. I feel very strongly about Housing First and its principles. I think Housing First is the way societies can end homelessness and I am sure that this reality is possible.

  • Cymorth Cymru

    Cymorth Cymru is the representative body for providers of homelessness, housing and support services in Wales. We act as the voice of the sector, influencing the development and implementation of policy, legislation and practice that affects our members and the people they support. We want to be part of a social movement that ends homelessness […]

  • Tomáš Novotný - Tomáš Novotný

    Tomáš Novotný

    Spolek PORTAVITA

    Country: Czech Republic

    Languages: Czech

    I started working in 2006 in a Halfway house Chamomile as a social worker and since the year 2013 an educator in a facility for children requiring immediate help in the same organization Chamomile. I did these two jobs at the same time until 2017. After that I started working as a social worker in an Asylum for families with children Hannah, where I worked for 3 years. In 2020, I started as a key social worker in the PORTAVITA Housing First for adults project, where I still work today. Supported persons are mainly single mothers with children, but also complete families. The second project Housing First for Adults is already running at the moment.

  • “Housing First – one or many?” by Juha Kaakinen

    Since 2008, the Housing First principle has been the cornerstone of Finnish strategy and policy to end homelessness. In Finland, Housing First is first and foremost a systemic model,...

    Check it out here


  • Leah Watkins

    Leah Watkins

    Housing Choices WA

    Country: Australia

    Languages: English

    Leah has over 30 years of experience in the homelessness and housing sector ranging from frontline outreach to managing services and coordinating interagency collaboration projects. She also spent 10 years working as a consultant undertaking evaluations, service model designs and action research. She was one of the first Australian participants to the Housing First Train-the-Trainer and co-authored the Housing First Principles for Australia which were endorsed by Homelessness Australia in 2020. From this, she helped design and deliver the Housing First train the trainer course for Australia and continues to deliver Housing First training both in person and online. Leah’s superpower is delivering online training that is interactive and highly participatory.