WEBINAR: Housing First as a System Approach: What Does This Require from the Netherlands?

On April the 4th, join us for a Webinar on ‘Housing First as a System Approach: What Does This Require from the Netherlands?

The Webinar will start with an introduction by Arturo Coego, Coordinator of the Housing First Europe Hub that will moderate the session.

During this engaging session, Anke Jansen, will present to us what the Housing First approach, as a system, requires of the Netherlands.

This Webinar will be based on the article ‘Housing First as a System Approach: What Does This Require from the Netherlands?’ co-written by Anke Jansen, Melanie Schmit and Nienke Boesveldt in the European Journal of Homelessness and her experience as co-founder and CEO of Housing First Netherlands.

This presentation will be followed-up by a discussion that will allow you to exchange insights and ask questions with fellow attendees!


Anke Jansen is the co-founder and CEO of Housing First Netherlands.

Housing First Netherlands is the Dutch national foundation on Housing First established in 2021, providing advocacy, Housing First community, Housing First training, services for various levels of government and public organisations such as research on Housing First.

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