Mia is Coordinator for the National Housing First Development Network in Finland. She is passionate about eradicating homelessness and developing new ways of approaching housing-related issues. Mia has a backround in youth housing, social services & child protection services and is also experience in networking, providing training and a platform for learning about Housing First and housing related social work.
Subject: Housing First for Youth (HF4Y)
- Mar 13 2023
"For me, Housing First is about dignity. By offering people back a home that is really theirs, you give them so much more: freedom and autonomy, life chances, future, happiness"
Geert has been the Dutch coordinator of the Housing First Lab since 2018. He lives in Kortrijk, is married and has three grown-up children, who are gradually leaving home. He enjoys travelling, long walks and board games. Geert is a trained social worker and had 15 years of experience within the local OCMW operation where he was responsible for the reception and guidance of homeless people. From this work, he got to know the ideas of Housing First. Later in life, he started university studies in social work at Ghent University.PRESENTATION: Introduction to Housing First for Youth
A slide deck developed by the Hub and made available for use by Housing First and Housing First for Youth trainers, practitioners, and advocates. View or download the presentation...
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PRESENTATION: Youth Housing & Housing First for Youth in Finland (Tiina Irjala, NAL)
These slides were used during the Housing First for Youth session of the International Social Housing Festival in Helsinki, June 2022. The presentation is made available with the permission...
Check it out herePublication
PRESENTATION: Causes of Youth Homelessness and Housing First Pathfinder – Edinburgh (Gary Neil – Rock Trust)
These slides were used during the Housing First for Youth session of the International Social Housing Festival in Helsinki, June 2022. The presentation is made available with the permission...
Check it out herePublication
PRESENTATION: Housing First for Youth – Definition & Core Principles (Lisa O’Brien, Focus Ireland)
These slides were used during the Housing First for Youth session of the International Social Housing Festival in Helsinki, June 2022. The presentation is made available with the permission...
Check it out herePublication
Juha has been working for 10 years in the field of homelessness. He started as a frontline support worker in 2010 for the Finnish Youth housing association services (NALPA) before becoming Housing First service manager and then CEO of NALPA. He joined Y-Säätiö in 2018 as coordinator for the National Housing First Development Network and became the Lead Coordinator in 2020 and is currently head of international affairs at Y-Säätiö. As part of his role at the Network, Juha organises training courses at national level, and is working on developing the Housing First model together with dozens of NGO’s and cities.