WEBINAR: Housing First for Youth

Youth experiencing homelessness have particular needs that require the adaptation of Housing First to meet those needs. Research from Canada and Europe on adaptations of Housing First is presented in this webinar.

This is the third webinar in the International Housing First Series. It is presented by EENet with the Canadian Housing First Network and Housing First Europe Hub.

Watch the recording

Download the slides here.


Stephen Gaetz is President & CEO of the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, one of his key projects is the Homeless Hub, an innovative web-based research library internationally recognized as a leading example of innovation in knowledge mobilization. In 2016, Dr. Gaetz was awarded a Research Impact (Connection) award by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and in 2017 he received the honour of Member of the Order of Canada.

Time: 10:00-11:30 EDT / 16:00-17:30 CEST

More information and register here.


Ahmad Bonakdar is the Managing Director of Research, Making the Shift (MtS) Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab at the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) housed at York University. Dr. Bonakdar oversees the implementation of MtS Demonstration Projects including a Randomized Controlled Trial of the Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) program in Toronto and Ottawa.

Karen McAlister is a Social Worker, working for nearly 20 years in children’s rights before moving to work in the homelessness sector with Simon Community NI. Spending 5 years as Head of Children and Family Services, Karen now leads Simon Community’s Research and Development work. Karen and her colleagues set up Northern Ireland’s first HF4Y service.

Lisa O’Brien is the South & South East Youth Services Manager at Focus Ireland. She has worked with Focus Ireland for more than 15 years. During that time, she set up and managed a variety of services across the South East including Housing, Education and Employment, A&I, Housing First and Youth Services. Currently, she manages Youth Services across the Southeast of Ireland. In 2015, she launched one of the first HF4Y (Housing First for Youth) projects in Europe in Waterford. O’Brien is also a founding and active member of FEANTSA (the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless) Youth Network and an observer member of the FEANTSA  administrative council representing the Youth Network. She works closely with the European Housing First Hub in designing and delivering training in HF4Y across Europe.

Housing First for Youth Community of Practice

The Housing First Europe Hub is trying to establish a Housing First for Youth Community of Practice!

This would allow professionals and front line staff to have a space where they can share experiences and knowledge, and confront each other on the practice of Housing First for Youth.

If you are interested in taking part in this initiative, please fill out this form.

Feel free to also share the link with anyone who may want to be a part of this community– the more the merrier!

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Samara Jones, Programme Coordinator at the Housing First Europe Hub: samara.jones@housingfirsteurope.eu


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    Feb 20 2025