• First youth ‘Housing First’ project launched in the UK

    Edinburgh-based youth homelessness charity, Rock Trust, has launched the UK’s first ever Housing First for Youth project in West Lothian. http://www.scottishhousingnews.com/17582/first-youth-housing-first-project-launched-in-the-uk/

    Check it out here


  • Focus Ireland’s hard-hitting video on youth homelessness has made a big impact on social media

    Focus Ireland has launched a hard-hitting short film to highlight the terrible crisis of young people becoming homeless when leaving state care at 18. http://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/discover/focus-irelands-hard-hitting-video-on-youth-homelessness-has-made-a-big-impact-on-social-media-805867.html

    Check it out here


  • Finland shows example in the fight against homelessness

    “Social housing is as much about ‘social’ as it is about housing and real estates”, says Juha Kaakinen, the CEO of the Y-Foundation.

    Check it out here


  • Housing First new guidance

    Homeless Link has published a set of guidelines for Housing First. The Housing First England programme is in the latter half of its second year and is already making an impact. ...

    Check it out here


  • The feasibility study for Housing First in the Liverpool City Region launched

    The study is the most comprehensive homelessness reform agenda for a city in England to date, and offers a complete system shift with housing first and housing led approaches that...

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  • Richard Ferrand confirme la création d’un plan quinquennal pour le “logement d’abord”, souhaité par les associations

    Par Elodie Raitière Le ministre de la Cohésion des territoires, Richard Ferrand, a confirmé mardi 6 juin 2017 qu’un “plan quinquennal pour le logement d’abord” serait lancé. Lors d’une...

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  • 53ème atelier de la Dihal sur le déploiement du programme « un Chez-soi d’abord »

    53rd Dihal (Interdepartmental Delegation to Housing and Access to Housing) Workshop on the deployment of the Housing First program

    Check it out here


  • Announcing the Launch of Making the Shift!

    Making the Shift project in Canada focuses on youth homelessness by prevention and Housing First

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  • #HomelessZero non è uno slogan: ecco le azioni concrete

    #HomelessZero non è uno slogan. La campagna di sensibilizzazione promossa da fio.PSD – Federazione italiana organismi persone senza dimora con il patrocinio del Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche...

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  • Can Housing First help end homelessness?

    Blog post, Matt Downie from The Crises. The Centre for Social Justice has presented a plan to end homelessness

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