• Housing, homelessness and mental health: towards systems change

    This research progresses the priority areas identified by the National Mental Health Commission (Commission) and provides evidence about the systemic issues and policy levers that need to be addressed...

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  • A home but how to connect with others? A qualitative meta‐synthesis of experiences of people with mental illness living in supported housing

    This study looks into how living in supported housing facilitate social connections and participation from the viewpoints of people living with mental illness. The findings show that supported housing...

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  • Everybody in – How to end homelessness in Great Britain

    This plan by Crisis outlines the evidence-based solutions that can end homelessness in Great Britain, built round the belief that everyone should have –and is ready for – a...

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  • Social Network Decay as Potential Recovery from Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study in Housing First Programming

    This paper aims to describe and understand changes in social networks of residents living in a HF program. In this study researchers employed a longitudinal, convergent parallel mixed method...

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  • What Happens After the Demonstration Phase?: The Sustainability of Canada’s At Home/Chez Soi Housing First Programs for Homeless Persons with Mental Illness

    This research examined the sustainability of Canada’s At Home/Chez Soi Housing First (HF) programs for homeless persons with mental illness 2 years after the end of the demonstration phase...

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  • What drives the high health care costs of the homeless?

    This research provides a significant economic argument for government intervention to break the cycle of homelessness as the findings reveal significant potential savings to effective interventions for homeless people...

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  • “Housing First” for Homeless Youth With Mental Illness

    Housing First in homeless youth with mental illness improves housing stability relative to usual care.

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  • The Governance of Inclusive Growth – An Overview of Country Initiatives

    Achieving inclusive growth relates closely to how governments work and how policies are designed, implemented, delivered and evaluated. This publication presents an overview of country initiatives concerning inclusive growth...

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  • National At Home/Chez Soi Final Report

    This report documents the final results of the At Home/Chez Soi research demonstration project, which examined Housing First as a means of ending homelessness for people living with mental...

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