• A health and social cost too high

    This report represents the first analysis of the consolidated Registry Week data across Australia. The data provides the largest and richest collection of information on people experiencing homelessness in...

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  • Using Housing First in Integrated Homelessness Strategies – A Review of the Evidence

    This report by Nicholas Pleace explores Housing First in relation to the evidence base on services designed to end homelessness among single people (i.e. lone adults) with support needs....

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  • Social Network Decay as Potential Recovery from Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study in Housing First Programming

    This paper aims to describe and understand changes in social networks of residents living in a HF program. In this study researchers employed a longitudinal, convergent parallel mixed method...

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  • Morbidity and mortality in homeless individuals, prisoners, sex workers, and individuals with substance use disorders in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    This paper reviews morbidity and mortality data on four overlapping populations who experience considerable social exclusion: homeless populations, individuals with substance use disorders, sex workers, and imprisoned individuals. Read or...

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  • COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Confronting Homelessness in the European Union

    This Commission Staff Working Document (CSWD) , which is part of a wider Social Investment Package, argues for more urgent concerted action to take preventative measures that can reduce...

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  • Book on Finnish Housing First

    "A Home of Your Own" is a new book on Finnish Housing First principle

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  • Focus Ireland’s hard-hitting video on youth homelessness has made a big impact on social media

    Focus Ireland has launched a hard-hitting short film to highlight the terrible crisis of young people becoming homeless when leaving state care at 18. http://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/discover/focus-irelands-hard-hitting-video-on-youth-homelessness-has-made-a-big-impact-on-social-media-805867.html

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  • Finland shows example in the fight against homelessness

    “Social housing is as much about ‘social’ as it is about housing and real estates”, says Juha Kaakinen, the CEO of the Y-Foundation.

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  • Mortality and causes of death among homeless in Finland: a 10-year follow-up study

    This paper presents the results of a research examining the overall and cause-specific mortality among homeless men in Helsinki and the associations of social background and health service use...

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  • Women and Homelessness in Canada – A brief review of the literature

    This report aims to address several topics. First, it discusses the opportunities related to the expansion of research at the OBM. This should help to situate the document in terms...

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