Housing First Research Digest Vol. 2
This edition of the newsletter is curated by Francesca Albanese (Crisis) member of the HF Hub Europe Research Work Cluster. The focus of this edition of the research digest...
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This edition of the newsletter is curated by Francesca Albanese (Crisis) member of the HF Hub Europe Research Work Cluster. The focus of this edition of the research digest...
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The article presents the findings of a fidelity assessment conducted with Housing First (HF) programmes in four Italian cities: Bologna, Rimini, Siracusa, and Verona (members of the ‘Network Housing...
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50 pictures of people living in housing in Verona, Milan, Ragusa, Bologna, Genova, Chioggia. A team of amateur photographers get into the house of Hf users and have enjoyed...
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Let us introduce the first ever Housing First Europe Hub’s Research Digest! You can now sit back and enjoy. The Hub’s Research Work Cluster will digest a selection of...
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This review of the Housing First evaluations in Brussels sheds light on the details of how Housing First works in a complex local context.
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This review of the Housing First evaluations in Brussels sheds light on the details of how Housing First works in a complex local context.
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This new plan sets out how Scotland will reduce homelessness and work towards preventing homelessness with a focus on Housing First. https://www.gov.scot/binaries/content/documents/govscot/publications/publication/2018/11/ending-homelessness-together-high-level-action-plan/documents/00543359-pdf/00543359-pdf/govscot%3Adocument Read more from a blog...
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The Roadmap for the Prevention of Youth Homelessness helps to fill this gap in our knowledge. It is designed to help service providers, policy makers, communities, advocates, and researchers...
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This research progresses the priority areas identified by the National Mental Health Commission (Commission) and provides evidence about the systemic issues and policy levers that need to be addressed...
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This webinar is a discussion exploring how the approaches and models in Canada, Finland and Sweden in preventing and tackling women’s homelessness. https://www.homeless.org.uk/Churchill_Fellowship_findings_webinar
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