• Housing First and Social Integration: A Realistic Aim?

    This paper reviews the available research evidence on the extent to which Housing First services are effective in promoting social integration. Existing evidence suggests Housing First is delivering varying...

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  • Housing First Programs can end Street Homelessness

    Abstract: Evidence continues to pile up from the United States, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom and Australia that Housing First Programs can end homelessness for people who have been...

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  • Housing First, but what comes second? A qualitative study of resident, staff and management perspectives on single-site Housing First program enhancement

    Aim of this research was to find improvements to Housing First model by collecting suggestions form staff and residents. Suggestions was divided in three areas: (a) enhancing training...

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  • The Governance of Inclusive Growth – An Overview of Country Initiatives

    Achieving inclusive growth relates closely to how governments work and how policies are designed, implemented, delivered and evaluated. This publication presents an overview of country initiatives concerning inclusive growth...

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  • Individual, Housing, and Neighborhood Predictors of Psychological Integration Among Vulnerably Housed and Homeless Individuals

    The current longitudinal study evaluated the individual, housing, and neighborhood characteristics predictive of feeling psychologically integrated within one’s neighborhood among a population of homeless and vulnerably housed individuals. Participants...

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  • The role of perceived housing quality and perceived choice to recovery: An ecological perspective on housing first program in Lisbon

    This study explores, from an ecological perspective, the relationship between perceived housing quality and the perception of choice, and between perceived choice and recovery of 45 Housing First Lisbon...

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  • Learning to feel at home. Governing homelessness and the politics of affect

    The emotional and affective dynamics of homelessness are an established matter of concern in geographical research. Geographers have called attention to homelessness as an embodied phenomenon and to the...

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  • Gendering Women’s Homelessness

    This paper reviews some of the key literature on homelessness to ascertain the extent to which gender is recognised in explanations of homelessness. What emerges is that current frameworks...

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  • Testing a Typology of Homelessness Across Welfare Regimes: Shelter Use in Denmark and the USA

    This article compares patterns of homeless shelter use in Denmark and the USA. The result support a hypothesis that countries with more extensive welfare systems and lower level of...

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  • Rapid Re-housing: What the Research Says

    Rapid re-housing is an intervention designed to move homeless families into permanent housing as quickly as possible.

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