WEBINAR: Using the EU structural funds to Finance Housing First – Roundtable Discussion

On 9th June 2022, the Hub held a roundtable discussion on how to use the European Structural Funds to finance Housing First projects and services. We heard from experts in different European countries about their experience with using the Structural Funds for Housing First, as well as the challenges they encountered during the process and how those challenges were overcome. The discussion was moderated by Samara Jones, Coordinator of the Housing First Europe Hub.

Keynote speakers:

  • Vanesa Cenjor del Rey, International Affairs Director and Agile Coach at HOGAR SI (Spain)
  • Caterina Cortese, Fio.PSD (Italy)
  • Sarah Coupechoux, Fondation Abbé Pierre (France)
  • Michal Ďorď, Head of Housing First Team at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Czech Republic)
  • Jakub Wilczek, President of the Polish National Federation for Solving the Problem of Homelessness (Poland)

Watch the recording



Vanesa Cenjor del Rey, International Affairs Director and Agile Coach at HOGAR SI (Spain)

Prior to joining HOGAR SI, Vanesa worked on strengthening the Social Third Sector through managing different EU Funding. During this period, she was the International Affairs Manager at Fundación Luis Vives and after, she was the Coordinator of the Fund for Non-Governmental Organisations (Active Citizenship Programme). EEA Financial Mechanism in Spain managed by the NGO Platform of Social Action. She was also co-founder of Encuentro Europa, a consultancy for European matters.


Michal Ďorď, Head of Housing First Team at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Czech Republic)

Michal Ďorď is a Romani careleaver currently working at Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs as the Head of Housing First Team. His team is providing support and guidance to 13 Housing First projects (ESF) and drafting new ESF+ call focused on scaling Housing-Led and Housing First programs in Czechia. He is also an advisor to Prague City council member.


Jakub Wilczek, President of the Polish National Federation for Solving the Problem of Homelessness (Poland)

Jakub Wilczek is a co-founder and president of the Polish National Federation for Solving the Problem of Homelessness, vice-president, and representative of Poland in FEANTSA, and member of the Expert Committee for Combating Homelessness of the Polish Ombudsman. He is a coordinator of projects that support people in crisis leaving homelessness as well as their reintegration into society and that propagate the problem of homelessness and good practices in solving it. He is also a facilitator of cooperation in the NGO sector.


Guide to using EU Funds for Housing First

This event also launched the Guide to using EU Funds for Housing First, co-written by FEANTSA and the Housing First Europe Hub. Knowing that accessing EU Funds can be very difficult, particularly for smaller organisations, this Guide aims to walk individuals through that process as well as to raise awareness on the Housing First model among governmental authorities and European Commission officials.

Read the guide to using EU funds for Housing First here.

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