

Our partners in Australia

  • Homelessness Australia

    Homelessness Australia is the national peak body for homelessness in Australia. We provide systemic advocacy for the homelessness sector. We work with a large network of organisations to provide a unified voice when it comes to preventing and responding to homelessness. Our vision is to proactively advocate and promote national policy and action to end homelessness and its impact upon the range of people it affects. Homelessness Australia was previously funded by the Federal Government. Since December 2014 it has operated on a voluntary basis and has no paid staff.


  • Leah Watkins

    Leah Watkins

    Housing Choices WA


    Country: Australia

    Languages: English

    Leah has over 30 years of experience in the homelessness and housing sector ranging from frontline outreach to managing services and coordinating interagency collaboration projects. She also spent 10 years working as a consultant undertaking evaluations, service model designs and action research. She was one of the first Australian participants to the Housing First Train-the-Trainer and co-authored the Housing First Principles for Australia which were endorsed by Homelessness Australia in 2020. From this, she helped design and deliver the Housing First train the trainer course for Australia and continues to deliver Housing First training both in person and online. Leah’s superpower is delivering online training that is interactive and highly participatory.