Government considering plans to house addicts who sleep rough
The British Government is considering to adopt Housing First -strategy to help homeless addicts.
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The British Government is considering to adopt Housing First -strategy to help homeless addicts.
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News article of successful homelessness policy in Medicine Hat, Canada
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Description of Finnish approach to homelessness and how this could be applied to Ireland
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Homelessness Reduction Bill becomes law in the UK
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Conclusa la fase sperimentale del progetto che vuole eliminare i dormitori, per inserire subito i senzatetto in un’abitazione. I dati sono positivi: l’80 per cento dei soggetti – 550...
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Inside Housing -magazine's report on how Housing First model is currently used in UK
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Report on Finnish homelessness policy and Housing First
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Juha Kaakinen, the chief executive of the Y-Foundation, wrote an article on The Guardian. Read it here
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