• An Introduction to Housing First & Women

    Designed for Housing First service providers, this introductory guide offers insight and answers some frequently asked questions about specific needs and considerations to keep in mind when adapting Housing...

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  • Ania - Anna Gazda

    Anna Gazda


    Country: Poland

    Languages: Polish

    Former social worker, Anna is currently a professional manager in social projects, trainer, and coach. She works for the local government units and is used to work with all stakeholders of the field to creates and implement social projects, mainly in social inclusion area. Her activities focus on supporting the general development and well-being of both individuals and groups, searching for solutions, planning, and managing resources, sharing experiences, and cooperating with various stakeholders. Since 2019 she’s involved in the implementation of Housing first in Poland and work closely with all kinds of Housing First stakeholders in Warsaw and Gdansk.

  • GUIDE: Managing Transitions in Housing First services

    Developed following Homeless Link’s research into Reducing, changing or ending Housing First support last year, this new guidance on Managing Transitions in Housing First services is led by Homeless Link, with...

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  • Abele Sangiorgio pic - Abele Sangiorgio

    Abele Sangiorgio

    fioPSD; Opera San Francesco

    Country: Italy

    Languages: EnglishItalian

    I've worked in schools and residential services for adolescents for almost 10 years. I work as a support worker and a case manager in an Housing First service since 2015. I work as a Housing First trainer since 2018. I contribute to the spread of the HF approach in my Country where there are often misconceptions and resistances about this approach. I have a degree in psychological sciences and techniques and I'm a professional counsellor.

  • Networking and housing advocacy in the homelessness sector: a path towards social sustainability? A study of the Housing First Europe Hub

    ABSTRACT “This paper investigates the potential of pro-Housing First advocacy conducted by international and inter-organisational homelessness coalitions to realise social sustainability ambitions in the homelessness sector. In particular, it...

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  • EVALUATION: Findings from the 50 LIVES 50 HOMES Program – Zero Project, Perth, Australia

    The 50 Lives 50 Homes program (50 Lives), which commenced in late-2015 and was the first Housing First program in Western Australia (WA). It was a collaborative program that...

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  • Linkedafb - Skippen Dam

    Peter-Jan Heylenbosch

    Goodmen services - Freelancer

    Country: Belgium

    Languages: DutchEnglish

    Peter-Jan started working in day shelter for homeless people during his studies, combined with working in the crisis shelter and night shelter in the city of Ghent. In 2012, he started his job as a Housing First support worker for the public welfare of Ghent, this project was part of the Belgian Housing First project, funded by the Belgian government. I was then asked by SAM VZW to assist in the Flemish housing first training to provide insights from his daily practice. His interest on Housing First still growing he took part of the Hub’s Train-the-Trainer, followed by the Outreach! Course organized by SAM Vzw Belgium. He still works as a Housing first support worker for the city of Ghent, and provide the Housing First and Outreach! courses for he Flemish region and as a freelance commissioned by SAM vzw Belgium.

  • Looking to the Future – Juha Kaakinen on the importance of perspective when developing Housing First

    “After over 9 years as a CEO of Y-Foundation I have already handed all responsibilities over to my successor Teija Ojankoski and I’m in the happy process of transition...

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