I am an experienced facilitator, trainer and public speaker and have overseen national work on scaling up Trauma Informed Care and Housing First since 2015. I have a decade experience of practice development work in the homelessness sector and hold a qualification in organisational/systems dynamics.
Subject : Trauma-informed Care
Alex has worked with Homeless Link since 2019, leading on the Housing First England project. Alex Supports Housing First teams across the UK through training, good practice guidance and communities of practice, as well as working across research, policy and campaigns to advocate for the scaling up of Housing First in England. Alex completed the Train the Trainer Housing First training in 2019/2020 and has since developed and delivered training for Housing First practitioners and managers. Alex has a particular interest in fidelity to the Housing First principles, having developed the Staying on Track fidelity assurance framework in 2024.
Anke Jansen
Housing First Nederland
anke@housingfirstnederland.nlCountry: Netherlands
Languages: DutchEnglish
Anke Jansen is Co-founder of Housing First Nederland and has a carrier in consultancy, healthcare and human rights. The last 15 years, she started several Housing First projects and developed herself as an expert in ending homelessness on both national and local level with the principles of Housing First. She loves to make impact to create a human world for all.
Åsa Bäckström
Stockholm city mission
asa.backstrom@stadsmissionen.seCountry: Sweden
Languages: EnglishSwedish
I am a sociologist and have worked with social work and homelessness for almost 20 years in various sectors. Now I work as a development manager at Stockholm City Mission. I went to cohort 4 and since then have trained in housing first for Sweden's city missions, mainly for municipalities in the start-up phase but also in other forms. Housing first because it works!
Transforming Homelessness Solutions in Spain: Community-Centred Approaches, Social Policy Transformation, and Deinstitutionalisation
The opportunity presented by the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience fund in the framework of the Next Generation EU Funds included among its lever policies an initiative called a...
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Dagmara is a psychologist and has been working with people with mental illness for more than 10 years at low thresholds, with a focus on recovery and empowerment. In 2019, she started offering psychological support to homeless people at Berlin Zoo Station and subsequently at Housing First Berlin. Her focus is on the link to the health care system and the implementation of trauma-sensitive work in a multi-professional team. As a Housing First trainer, Dagmara shares her expertise on recovery and trauma.
After completing compulsory school and an apprenticeship in the metal industry, I studied "social work/social management" at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences on the second educational path. I was able to gain my first practical experience in helping the homeless during my studies in the context of "assisted living" in an internship. After completing my studies in 2011, I stayed in the field of helping the homeless and worked in the areas of "consulting" and "street work" for a little over two years, where I gained my first experience. After a one-year stay abroad, I then switched to the area of "partially assisted living/outpatient assisted living" in the same field of work, in which I have been working since 2014. I completed the Housing First Europe Hub's TTT - Train The Trainer - training in 2022.
Magdalena is a therapist, psychologist, sexual educator, and mediator. She worked as a frontline support worker and then as head of the Housing First implementation team in Warsaw. She both provided support on a daily basis and in crisis situations for tenants with ACT approach and organised coordination of the stakeholders. As a psychotraumatologist she also provides support in a field of sexual education and leadership in family based on Jesper Juul’s values. Her core is nonviolent communication, personal responsibility, and respect for the integrity of the individual.
Looking to the Future – Juha Kaakinen on the importance of perspective when developing Housing First
« After over 9 years as a CEO of Y-Foundation I have already handed all responsibilities over to my successor Teija Ojankoski and I’m in the happy process of transition...
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