• Pauline-Portefaix_photo - pauline portefaix

    Pauline Portefaix

    Fondation Abbé Pierre

    Country: France

    Languages: EnglishFrench

    I am working at the advocacy level on Housing First in France. In my work for Fondation Abbé Pierre, which is known for its expertise in the evaluation of public policy, I have conducted an evaluation of the national Housing First programme.  

  • National Housing First Implementation Evaluation Findings Prepared for the National Housing First Implementation Committee

    « Housing for All – A New Housing Plan for Ireland is the Government’s plan for addressing housing needs and homelessness through the year 2030. For people experiencing homelessness, the...

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  • PHOTO-2022-09-18-12-41-38 - Raphael Bouloudnine WFX

    Raphael Bouloudnine


    Country: France

    Languages: EnglishFrench

    Raphael is a psychiatrist with a degree in public health from NOVA university. After 10 years in Un chez soi d'abord (French Housing First), he's worked in working first and develops training in recovery oriented practice. His year as an assistant visiting professor at Yale University as part of the Program For Recovery and Community Health (PRCH) was an opportunity to visit several Housing First programmes in the US. He's currently the national coordinator for Un chez soi d'abord France at the DIHAL.

  • EVALUATION: Housing First Scotland – Pathfinder

    Housing First Scotland’s Pathfinder programme, which ran from April 2019-March 2022, was independently evaluated by I-SPHERE in partnership with ICF this year. Some interesting findings from the evaluation include: Tenancy...

    Check it out here


  • IMG_20210515_102559695_BURST001 (3) - De Bolle Geert

    Geert De Bolle

    Housing First Lab

    Country: Belgium

    Languages: DutchEnglish

    "For me, Housing First is about dignity. By offering people back a home that is really theirs, you give them so much more: freedom and autonomy, life chances, future, happiness"
      Geert has been the Dutch coordinator of the Housing First Lab since 2018. He lives in Kortrijk, is married and has three grown-up children, who are gradually leaving home. He enjoys travelling, long walks and board games. Geert is a trained social worker and had 15 years of experience within the local OCMW operation where he was responsible for the reception and guidance of homeless people. From this work, he got to know the ideas of Housing First. Later in life, he started university studies in social work at Ghent University.    

  • EVALUATION: Findings from the 50 LIVES 50 HOMES Program – Zero Project, Perth, Australia

    The 50 Lives 50 Homes program (50 Lives), which commenced in late-2015 and was the first Housing First program in Western Australia (WA). It was a collaborative program that...

    Check it out here


  • TEMPLATE: Housing First Evaluation Framework

    To support researchers and service providers seeking to assess Housing First services, the Research group of the Housing First Europe Hub has developed an Evaluation Framework template for Housing First...

    Check it out here


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    Nadyah Abdel Salam

    GIE La ville autrement - Est Metropole Habitat

    Country: France

    Languages: French

    Nadyah is a socio-urbanist and a task officer at GIE La Ville Autrement where she works on the deployment of partnership projects for the homeless in the metropolitan of Lyon within the framework of Housing First. In addition to being a Hoosing First trainer, Nadyah is also working on a thesis in sociology which deals with Housing First and the processes of institutional innovation in social housing (University of Nice - GREDEG).

  • Peter

    Peter Brepoels

    Steunpunt Mens en Samenleving

    Country: Belgium

    Languages: DutchEnglish

    Peter started to work in youth and young adult care in the nineties, being focused on youth at risk of becoming homeless or young adults being homeless. At the time some of his older colleagues advised him to lower his expectations as to what could be achieved. He continued working, and 10 years later, caught himself being that older colleague telling the younger ones to 'not put their hopes up too high'. After he discovered the Housing First approach, he learnt that his initial hopes of achieving positive outcomes for homeless youth could be realised, and became a Housing First trainer.

  • Housing First Evaluations in Brussels (in French)

    This review of the Housing First evaluations in Brussels sheds light on the details of how Housing First works in a complex local context.

    Check it out here
